Workshops & events are free and open to all!
Click here to register in advance.
Trainer: Lisa Jackson, MA
Location: Online (Zoom)
From the work of Daniel Siegel, MD, the Whole Brain Child is a revolutionary approach to child rearing with 12 key strategies that foster healthy brain development - leading to calmer, happier children. Participants will gain an understating of how the brain forms and functions.
Thursdays 6:00pm-8:00pm
June 30
July 7
July 14
July 21
July 28
August 4 Rescheduled:
Zoom ID: 976-403-3976 Click here for Zoom
To receive credit for classes held through Zoom, you must have your camera on and actively participate.
*Class schedule subject to change. Please check for updates.
Grandparents as Parents is a support group of caregivers that are currently raising or have raised their grandchildren or another person's children. This group meets to provide support and information, as well as share personal experiences, with one another. It is open to any foster parent or anyone who is raising someone’s else child.
First and third Thursday of the month, 11:00am – 1:00pm
Butte College Skyway Center (Room 134) - 2480 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico
*Class schedule subject to change. Please check for updates.
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